
Why Choose Lynch Recycling?

We are glad you asked.



Lynch Recycling has experienced steady and continuous growth since it opened as a one-man catalytic converter recycling operation in 1999. The low debt & carefully planned expansion has enabled Lynch Recycling to survive and even thrive in spite of the inevitable market fluctuations and occasional recession that has wreaked havoc on much of the industry. As a result, our suppliers & customers have to come to trust that we will continue to meet their unique needs.



The autocatlyst sector of the PGM recycling industry has underwent extensive change over the last decade, and Lynch Recycling has not only adapted to the rapidly evolving  environment, but has taken steps to be at the forefront. Lynch Recycling has invested heavily in research, both in precious metals and in the areas of process and best practices. This enables them to be free from the inefficiency of relying on outside sources for current and accurate information.



With the rapidly changing landscape of auto catlayst recycling comes the need for evolving business models in order to better serve the numerous resellers who are exposed to costly errors on both ends of their business through unexpected  market shifts , grade changes, etc. To that end, Lynch Recycling offers several top shelf services to these resellers, including access to a constantly updated converter database, and the option to extract maximum value from their converters by selling on Assay Recovery.    

